Dansani acknowledges the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) and the International Labor Organization's eight core labour conventions (1998). Dansani also acknowledges the World Trade Organization's (WTO) guidelines and recommendations, and it is a condition that our suppliers are members of the WTO. We also require our suppliers to comply with EU regulations REACH and RoHS.

Employees – human rights and labour rights
Dansani´s "Code of Conduct" is a set of rules for the cooperation between Dansani and our suppliers. The requirements of our "Code of Conduct" are based on core conventions in the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and we expect our suppliers to live up to them. The rules must ensure that all our products are manufactured in a way that meets our goal of acting responsibly to all groups of stakeholders. We expect our suppliers and partners to support international standards of human rights, labour rights, the environment and anti-corruption.

Our goal is to
Strive to establish long-term and healthy collaborations with our suppliers to the mutual benefit of both parties and in connection with entering agreements, constructive dialogue with suppliers is part of the process.
Select our suppliers and partners based on criteria such as quality, availability, performance, reliability, service and price.
Base on our collaboration on mutual trust, and we expect our suppliers and partners to comply with fair and ethical business practices. We neither pay nor receive bribes or any other illegal payments to achieve or maintain business.

Dansani's efforts to live up to "Code of Conduct"
All suppliers to the Dansani group must ensure a healthy and safe working environment for all employees.
Employees must have the freedom to organise and the right to collective bargaining in accordance with applicable laws.
The commonly applicable national or local employment laws shall be applied to employees.
Working hours must be mutually agreed between the company and the employees.
In companies with organized trade unions, working hours should be defined by collective agreement.
All children are entitled to childhood and to education.
The Dansani group does not collaborate with suppliers who use forced labour. Dansani's goal is that all suppliers outside the EU must confirm that they are familiar with and comply with our "Code of Conduct". At the same time, we aim to implement and document audits on suppliers outside the EU.
The Dansani group does not collaborate with suppliers who discriminate.
Where national legislation permits, children between the ages of 12 and 15 can perform light work for a few hours a day, provided that this is not estimated to harm their physical or mental health and development, nor prevents schooling.